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Продажа билетов закончилась 03 июня 2016 13:00 | ||||
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Уровень и ожидаемая аудитория: 200 (для начинающих или средней квалификации разработчиков и администраторов БД).
Продолжительность: 8-9 часов с учётом перерывов (обед и 3-4 небольших перерыва по 10-15 минут).
Windows Azure SQL Database-A Journey from Zero to be Hero
DBA's World, Architect's World changing very quickly. We observed a lot of changes in our IT systems in last two-three years. On of the part or the vision of Architecture of the Future is Microsoft Azure Platform. From last five years the only one thing in this environment is constant: The Change. Still not too well understood. Year 2016 (as a year of premiere newest SQL Server 2016) is best year to learn more about Azure. To learn more about Microsoft Azure platform and Windows Azure SQL Database. During the entire day of my seminar will start from the standard on premise instances, then we fly into the Clouds to touch the sky. At the end we back to the Earth, where again we explore how, when, where, what, and why we should focus about attention for this platform. In my full day Pre-Conf I want to show you how we can work with Windows Azure SQL Database (formerly known as SQL Azure), and we will focus on:
•pros and cons
•place to start
•tools, methods and ideas
•SWOT analysis
•backup and restore
•RPO, RTO, ROI, SLA, SLO and more
•Service Level Agreements,
•compliance and responsibility
•best and worst practices
Slides, talks and of course a labs with SQL Server on Premises, SQL Server in the Cloud and in eight (or maybe nine hours) you will learn everything about what you need to start your own journey in the cloud. Requirements for this workshop (if you want play with me):
•Newest Windows Client Operating System
o Windows 8 or 8.1
o Windows 10 is of course better
o Windows 7 is still cool (but some workshop features will not work)
•Minimum Standard Edition SQL Server (or Enterprise or Evaluation or Developer) installed
o SQL Server 2012 SP1 CU3 at least
o SQL Server 2014 is better
o SQL Server 2016 CTP3 (or above) is best option
•SQL Server Evaluation Versions: http://bit.ly/SQLServerEVAL
•Active Microsoft Azure Account http://bit.ly/AzureFREETrial
Each attendee will get printed slides and labs manual and extra useful materials from my special community collection
P.S. до 30 апреля действует специальная скидка, затем цена вырастет. Возможны дополнительные скидки для нескольких человек из одной организации. Обращайтесь к организатору.
P.S.S. при отмене регистрации оплаченная сумма будет возвращена за вычетом 15%
Андрей Коршиков
тел.: +7-918-355-01-47
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